Trakya Development Agency Milk and Dairy Products Strategy Development Consultancy

Trakya Development Agency Milk and Dairy Products Strategy Development Consultancy

Consultancy service was provided to the Trakya Development Agency within the framework of the Value Chain Research for the Milk and Dairy Products Manufacturing Sector in the Trakya region. The current situation, business models, and needs of 15 companies representing the sector were analyzed, and training/consulting programs were prepared for these companies. The consultancy service focused on the Research and Development of a New Business Model for the Milk and Dairy Products Manufacturing Sector in the Trakya Region, based on the study's findings that examined the value chain's current status. The clustering facts were investigated in the study and cluster examples from Türkiye and worldwide were examined and compared with the Trakya Region. Various business model scenarios, strategy plans, and implementation steps were developed. Consequently, a comprehensive guide was presented to the Trakya Development Agency, outlining the step-by-step construction of a sector-specific business model.