Green Solar Network - Strategic Plan Preparation

Green Solar Network  - Strategic Plan Preparation

The Strategy Report including survey study consultancy was provided to Green Solar Network – The Network of Dissemination of The Use of Solar Energy for Mitigating Climate Change, which was established as part of the Grant Program for the Development of Civil Society Networks in Türkiye. This project is funded by the European Union, with the Turkish Delegation acting as the Operating Structure, and GENSED - Solar Energy Industrialists and Industry Association serving as the director.

During the consultancy, surveys and workshops were conducted with stakeholders, and meetings were held with the Green Solar Network Management and Communication Team to analyze the internal environment and strategic goals. Additionally, "Strategic Plan Trainings" were organized for the Green Solar Network Working Commission to facilitate the preparation and updating of the Network's strategic plan activities. The consultancy aimed to enhance the capacity of the Green Solar Network Management team and resulted in the presentation of a 3-year strategy report to the network